

About Fayette


Board Members/Committee Chairs

Business Leader of the Year

Club History


Four-Way Test

Happy Can

Message from the President


Paul Harris Fellows


Vision Summary


Rotary District 6080

Rotary International

Community Links/
Businesses with
Links to Rotary




Fayette Rotary Club

Meals and Dues for 2024-25:

Your local board reflected on the goals for the year and set the following dues schedule:  (Meal price remains the same as last year.  $9/meal)

Plan A (one member per family) $248/year + $9.00/meal (full payment in July)

Plan A (two members per family) $198/year + $9.00/meal each

Plan A - Two meals are included in your dues package.

Plan B: (includes dues and meals)

Plan B: (two members per family) $545/year

Members pay $9.00/meal for guests.

Present your check to the treasurer on a timely schedule at a meeting, by Venmo or by mail to:

     Fayette Rotary Club
     PO BOX 454
     Fayette, MO 65248
Budget 2024-25 (approved June 12, 2024)
       Club Member Dues $ 7650
       Club Member Meals $ 6650
       Guest Meals $  117
       Donations-$5 per member $  175
       Donations-to RI Foundation $ 2500
       Donations-Happy Can Dollars $ 1350
       Trivia Night/Trivia Sponsors $ 2500
       Garage Sale $  550
       Polio Fundraiser $  600
       District Matching Grant $  600
       Other Income $  200
Total Revenues $22892
   Club Operations   
       Advertising & Programs $  290
       Accounting Software  $  190
       District Dues $ 1290
       Fundraiser Costs $  250
       Meals $ 6967
       Memorials & Mementos  $  150
       National Dues $ 3770
       Office Supplies & Postage $  300
   Total Club Operations  $13207
   Charitable Operations   
       Boys State $  500
       Girls State $  500
       CMU Rotary Scholarship $  500
       Grant Project $ 1200
       Polio Plus $  600
       Rotary Foundation - APF $ 3725
       Rotary Youth Leadership - RYLA $  500
       Student Government Day $  100
       Teacher Christmas Cards $   75
       Third Grade Dictionaries $  700
     Happy Can Items:  
       Fayette Athletic Boosters $  100
       Fayette Fireworks $  100
       Fayette Music Boosters  $  100
       Festival of the Arts $  100
       Food Pantry/Fayette Ministerial Alliance $  100
       Holiday House $  100
       Howard County Wellness $  100
       Mobility Worldwide/PET $  100
       PAWS $  100
       Pool Passes $  160
       Scouts $  100
      Other Happy Can $  100
   Total Charitable Operations $9660
Total Expenditures

Net Surplus
