

About Fayette


Board Members/Committee Chairs

Business Leader of the Year

Club History


Four-Way Test

Happy Can

Message from the President


Paul Harris Fellows


Vision Summary


Rotary District 6080

Rotary International

Community Links/
Businesses with
Links to Rotary



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 left column to see
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This Month

Next Month

Club Number 2366
(Formerly Club Number 4148)

Chartered February 18, 1937

Eighty-eight Years

Meetings each Wednesday
12:00 p.m.
Fourth Floor, CMU Student Center


Vice President
Past President
Linda Lembke
Angi Allphin
Deb Miller
Larry Anderson
Eddie Campbell

Greg Stidham

Rotary International

Stephanie A. Urchick

Rotary Theme:

The Magic of Rotary

Urchick has said that one way to create positive change is to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within clubs. She also believes that DEI can help clubs be more united in their purpose and more effective and relevant.

Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 31,000 Rotary clubs located in 167 countries.

Fayette Rotary is part of a worldwide service organization of community leaders actively working, both locally and throughout the world, for health, education, peace and economic well-being.

Weather Links:

   Bus Barn

   Meadow Lake

   Walnut Ridge


December Students of the Month

December Students  of the Month

Roberts, Allphin, Sunderland

Ludtke Receives Plus -2 Pin

Ludtke receives pin from Lembke

Presented by 24-25 President
Linda Lembke

New Members and their Sponsors

Page, Oeth, Alexander, Quint

Jamie Page (sponsor), Barbie Oeth,
Shelby Alexander, Jessica Quint (sponsor)

Greg Stidham
2023-24 Rotary President
receives Citation for
accomplishing Goals

Greg Stidham receives Citation

Presented by 24-25 President
Linda Lembke

Past President
Greg Stidham
receives plaque for
distinguished service

Greg Stidham receives plaque of appreciation

Plaque presented by
Pres. Linda Lembke

Rotary President
Linda Lembke
takes oath of office

Linda Lembke takes oath of office

Greg Stidham
administers oath